2025 Landscape Challenge winner announced!

by Erin Goss, Wild Ones Member and Chairperson, Landscape Challenge  

Congratulations to the winners of the 2025 St. Louis Wild Ones Landscape Challenge, Linda and Buzz Jelinek! 

Their yard in Kirkwood was chosen from 26 applicants and features a small front yard perfect for adding a native landscape. Linda was an avid Michigan native plant enthusiast before relocating with Buzz to his hometown, St. Louis. They hope by introducing Missouri natives to their garden, they can create a more diverse habitat for native insects and birds for their neighbors to enjoy for years to come.

Linda and Buzz are both retired, and the Grant Committee appreciated their commitment to native plant gardening and networking with neighbors. Their yard sits close by the Kirkwood Farmer’s Market and frequently families walk or drive by.   We look forward to the many interested pollinators, birds, and humans who will have a chance to admire the 2025 Wild Ones Landscape Challenge winning garden.

The designer for the garden will be Wild Ones member Maureen Keaveny and a HUGE thank you to the rest of the committee – Kathy Bildner, Kevin Mowery, Tessa Wasserman, and Sue Leahy – for all their hard work in the selection process.  And thank you to Grow Native! for their continued financial support.

The plan is to plant the garden in late April or early May.  Please watch for an announcement – we will need
planting help!

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