2025 Partners for Native Landscaping Programming

The Partners for Native Landscaping (PNL) comes together each year to present programs with the goal of inspiring and helping individuals create gardens that are not only beautiful but are also habitats for native wildlife.

Wild Ones St. Louis is a proud member of the PNL organization.

Webinar Series

Registration is open for the first three seminars conducted by area experts and offered by the St Louis County Library.

  • Wednesday, February 19: Front Yard Raingardens
  • Wednesday, March 5: Native Garden Design Panel
  • Wednesday March 19: Monarchs and Mosquitos: Control the Pests, Protect the Pollinators

Refer to the PNL website for registration and additional information about the seminars and subsequent seminar dates. These seminars continue throughout the year.

Workshop & Plant Sale

This event is April 5, 8:15-1:00 pm at Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center, 11715 Cragwold Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122. The morning events include speakers and a panel discussion followed by a plant sale. Registration opens in March. Visit the PNL Website for additional details.


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