Visitors exploring the 2013 Landscape Challenge yard in 2015
By Sue Leahy
Member-at-Large and Chairperson, PR and Marketing Committee including Nametags
Does your front yard need an update?
Do you want to attract more birds and butterflies to your yard?
Do you want to landscape with native plants?
You’re in luck!
The Landscape Challenge is a program sponsored by Wild Ones St. Louis, Grow Native! and Shaw Nature Reserve, in cooperation with St. Louis Audubon’s Bring Conservation Home program. We are again looking for a front yard that will showcase landscaping with native plants.
One lucky homeowner will be selected for a front yard native landscape makeover. The sponsors will provide the services of a professional native landscape designer and volunteers to install the landscape. The sponsors also will provide native plants and other landscape materials. Planting day is a weekend day to be announced the end of September or early October.
The following are the rules, agreement and questions involved in the landscape challenge application. We recommend that you read and consider all of the info presented and write your responses in a separate document and then paste them into the form.
The application deadline is Saturday, June 1st.
Click here to go to the application page
The rules and agreement:
– I have had a Bring Conservation Home evaluation of my property completed no later than Dec 31, 2018 and have the report available for the committee to review.
– I agree to maintain the planted area, keeping it free of weeds.
– I will prepare the site for planting as agreed upon with the designer.
– I will use only native plants in the project area.
– I will display the provided Wild Ones educational sign in the newly planted garden in a visible location.
– I will submit photos of the garden to the Wild Ones St. Louis Chapter (hereafter referred to as Chapter) as requested.
– I grant permission for the sponsors to use images of the project in educational efforts.
– I am willing to be interviewed on camera about the project
– I agree to acknowledge the funding source(s) in any project publicity or printed materials.
– A representative of the Chapter will be allowed to periodically observe the garden.
– I will allow visits by project partners and agree to host a Wild Ones monthly gathering within 2-3 years of the planting date.
– The Chapter shall have the right to supply others with a description of the project and disseminate its underlying concepts and/or ideas.
– The Chapter and sponsors and/or any of its agents, officials, or employees shall assume no responsibility or liability for claims of damage of any kind to property or for claims of injury to any person in connection with the garden installation.
The application questions:
– Are you currently a member of Wild Ones St. Louis?
– When was the Bring Conservation Home survey done on your property (mo/year)?
– Why would you like a front yard native landscape makeover?
– What is your experience/knowledge level with native plants?
– What is your experience/knowledge level with traditional gardening?
– Describe your landscape dilemma
– Describe any drainage problems you have on the property
– What are the dimensions (length and width in feet) of the site you’d like us to consider?
– How do you currently use the space, and how would you use it differently if it was made over?
– Please acknowledge that you have read the rules and agreement and agree to abide by the requirements.
We ask that you upload up to 5 photos that represent the site you’d like us to consider. You are required to submit at least 2 photos of the site, with 1 of those being from the street. Individual files should be resized to 1024 kb or less.