The best way to get rid of black medic clover (Medicago lupulinus)?

An e-mail from Betty. “I’ve been working on this bed at our sailing club for about three years and can tell lots of stories about it.  This year it’s finally starting to look pretty good.  Can anyone suggest how to get ride of the clover and weedy alfalfa type plant that choke out seedlings?  Would burning it this fall help?”

Scott responded: From one or two of the photos, it looks like you have black medic (Medicago lupulinus), one of the clovers that is tough to get a handle on. Burning stimulates any of the clovers so not a good idea. The best thing for this nasty little weed is also the most labor intensive…hand weeding. You may also try spot-spraying with glyposate earlier in summer/spring when it is an easier target to hit. Sorry you have this problem plant. I have it also in a part of the wfg and have not been able to get rid of it for over a decade.


  1. Larry noted: When I use glyposate in close quarters I apply it with a paint brush or use a glove with it on to touch the offending plants. If you use a plastic glove under a cotton one the herbicide will not touch your skin and you then wipe the glove over the plant, being careful not to drip. The paint brush method also works well if you are careful not to drip. Don’t be a drip!

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