By Marsha Gebhardt
I am the lucky caregiver for a seven-month-old Missouri natives garden. As with children, seven-month-olds bring wonder, worry, and a need for much education and effort. It is not easy to walk the Missouri Evening Primrose path, but it is a walk filled with pleasure and purpose.
In late October, 2013, Native Landscape Solutions, Inc. installed a native landscape in my front yard. Simon and Monica Barker designed it after developing a plant list which included more than 200 shade plants (23 species), more than 400 sun-lovers (29 species), and about 10 bushes and trees. The transformation was very exciting, but all too quickly winter came. Five long months later, I started spending inordinate amounts of time bent over to look closely at the tiny beginnings of…what?! The adventure was beginning in earnest.
The discoveries. Everything is new and surprising. Oh, the Wild Geranium is so sweet. Look how big the Missouri Primrose flower is! Here comes the fringe on my Fringe Tree! Did you see that?! That hummingbird was on the Monarda!
The anxieties. Is the mole/vole/squirrel going to destroy everything? Nothing is happening with the Beauty Berry, the Redbud, and the Itea…. Did they survive the winter? I don’t see any sign of the milkweeds. How about the Indian Pink? Should I water? Is this a “weed,” or an intended plant? Should I be seeing caterpillars and butterflies by now?
The lessons. I am so lucky to have a native plant learning lab in my front yard. It offers me daily ponderings: Why are plants called Coneflowers sometimes Echinacea, sometimes Rudbekia, and sometimes Ratibida? If the new growth of the Beauty Berry starts from the ground, should I leave the branches from the previous year standing? I study. I attend our Wild Ones meetings and yard tours, asking lots of questions. I frequently visit Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) and Shaw Nature Reserve (SNR) taking pictures of labeled plants that are on my “plant list” so I can better recognize them in my yard. I study my books and catalogues. I practice the names of the plants as they appear. Why do I struggle to remember Celandine Poppy?
The experience of having this huge jump-start into native plants is not as intense as being a first-time parent, but there are similarities: the joy, the worry, the efforts to learn enough to properly support those in your care. There is another piece of the analog: These “babies” have the potential to change the world in tiny, positive ways. I am excited to be part of this adventure.
Here are some photos of the process. Click any image for a larger version.
- Blank canvas
- Monica and Simon set the frame
- Taking inventory of the plants
- After planting
- Fringe tree, etc. close-up
- West side of sidewalk
- Full planting – first summer
- Fringe tree etc – first summer
- West side of sidewalk – first summer
Plant inventory
Below is the plant list Simon and Monica Barker developed and implemented in this yard. The list and design took the following into consideration:
- Sun and shade. There was a need for large numbers of both sun and shade plants. (The house faces North, so the west side of the yard receives considerably more sun than the east side, which is also heavily shaded by a large Sweet Gum tree.)
- Structure and “intention.” I wanted the design to be more naturalistic than structured, however since it is a front yard they recommended using some non-native plants that would “stay in place” and provide a sort of frame and suggestion of “intention.”
Editor’s note: Click a column heading to sort the list by that value.
Plant type | Latin Name | Common Name | Sun/Shade | Native or Not? | # planted | Size |
Forb | Aquilegia canadensis | Wild Columbine | Shade | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Forb | Asarum canadense | Wild Ginger | Shade | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Forb | Aster oblongifolius | Aromatic Aster | Shade | Native | 5 | 1gl |
Sedges/Rushes | Carex albicans | Oak Sedge | Shade | Native | 10 | 1 qt |
Sedges/Rushes | Carex euburnea | Cedar Sedge | Shade | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Sedges/Rushes | Carex muskingumensis | Palm Sedge | Shade | Native | 10 | 1 qt |
Sedges/Rushes | Carex pennsylvanica | Common Oak Sedge | Shade | Native | 10 | 1 qt |
Sedges/Rushes | Carex rosea | Curly-styled Wood Sedge | Shade | Native | 38 | plug |
Perennial | Dicentra spectabilis | Bleeding Heart | Shade | NOT | 1 | 1gl |
Perennial | Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' | Bleeding Heart | Shade | NOT | 5 | 1gl |
Forb | Echinacea pupurea | Purple Coneflower | Shade | Native | 15 | 1qt |
Forb | Echinacea pupurea 'White Swan' | Coneflower | Shade | Nativar | 5 | 1gl |
Grass | Elymus hystrix | Bottlebrush Grass | Shade | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Grass | Elymus villosus | Silky Rye | Shade | Native | 38 | plug |
Forb | Geranium maculatum | Wild Geranium | Shade | Native | 5 | 1qt |
Forb | Heuchera villosa 'Autumn Bride' | Hairy Alum Root | Shade | Cultivar | 15 | 1gl |
Forb | Mertensia virginica | Bluebells | Shade | Native | 10 | 1 qt |
Fern | Onoclea sensibilis | Sensetive Fern | Shade | Native | 5 | 3gl |
Forb | Polemonium reptans | Jacob's Ladder | Shade | Native | 2 | 1qt |
Perennial | Polygonatum 'Variegatum' | Solomons Seal | Shade | Nativar | 6 | 1 gal |
Fern | Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern | Shade | Native | 5 | 1qt |
Forb | Senecio obovatus | Squaw Weed | Shade | Native | 5 | 1qt |
Forb | Spigelia marilandica | Indian Pink | Shade | Native | 5 | 1qt |
Shrub | Amorpha canescens | Leadplant | Sun | Native | 1 | 1 qt |
Forb | Amsonia ciliata | Thread-leaved Blue Star | Sun | Native | 1 | 1gl |
Forb | Asclepias tuberosa | Butterfly Weed | Sun | Native | 5 | 1qt |
Forb | Aster laevis | Smooth Aster | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Forb | Aster oolentangiensis | Sky Blue Aster | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Forb | Baptisia australis | Blue Wild Indigo | Sun | Native | 3 | 1gl |
Grass | Bouteloua curtipendula | Sideoats Grama | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Ornamental Grass | Calamagrostis ar. 'Karl Foerester' | Feather Reed Grass | Sun | NOT | 10 | 1gl |
Shrub | Ceanothus americanus | New Jersey Tea | Sun | Native | 1 | 3gl |
Forb | Coreopsis palmata | Prairie Coreopsis | Sun | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Forb | Echinacea pallida | Pale Coneflower | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Forb | Eryngium yuccifolium | Rattlesnake Master | Sun | Native | 3 | 1qt |
Forb | Glandularia canadensis | Rose Verbena | Sun | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Forb | Helianthus occidentalis | Western Sunflower | Sun | Native | 5 | 1qt |
Forb | Monarda bradburniana | Woodland Bergamot | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Forb | Oenothera macrocarpa | Missouri Evening Primrose | Sun | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Forb | Penstemon digitalis | Foxglove Beardtongue | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Forb | Phlox paniculata | Summer Phlox | Sun | Native | 4 | 1qt |
Forb | Pycnanthemum tenuifolium | Slender Mountain Mint | Sun | Native | 3 | 1qt |
Forb | Ratibida pinnata | Gray-head Coneflower | Sun | Native | 10 | 1 qt |
Forb | Rudbeckia missouriensis | Missouri Black Eyed Susan | Sun | Native | 10 | 1qt |
Perennial | Salvia nemerosa 'Blue Hill' | Hardy Sage | Sun | NOT | 6 | 1gl |
Perennial | Salvia nemerosa 'Caradonna' | Hardy Sage | Sun | NOT | 6 | 1 gl |
Grass | Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem Grass | Sun | Native | 10 | 1 qt |
Perennial | Solidago 'Golden Baby' | Goldenrod | Sun | Nativar | 10 | 1qt |
Grass | Sporobolus heterolepis | Prairie Dropseed Grass | Sun | Native | 30 | 1qt |
Perennial | Stachys 'Grandiflora' | Stachys | Sun | NOT | 2 | 1qt |
Perennial | Stachys 'Hummelo' | Stachys | Sun | NOT | 8 | 1qt |
Forb | Zizia aurea | Golden Alexanders | Sun | Native | 38 | plug |
Flowering Tree | Amelanchier canadensis | Shadblow Serviceberry | Native | 1 | 15 gl | |
Flowering Tree | Rhamnus caroliniana | Indian Cherry | Native | 1 | 7gl | |
Small Tree | Asimina triloba | Paw Paw | Native | 2 | 5gl | |
Shrub | Buxus 'Green Gem' | Boxwood | NOT | 7 | 3gl | |
Shrub | Callicarpa americana | American Beauty Berry | Native | 2 | 3gl | |
Flowering Tree | Cercis canadensis | Redbud | Native | 1 | clump | |
Shrub | Hydrangea arborescens | Smooth Hydrangea | Native | 3 | 3gl | |
Shrub | Hypericum prolificum | Shrubby St.John's Wort | Native | 1 | 2gl |
What kind of comments are you getting from your neighbors?