This Month In Our Native Gardens  – Series Continues in June

This monthly virtual presentation is for native plant gardeners who want extra advice, enjoy learning from others experiences, or just need a little motivation each month.  
“I thoroughly enjoy Besa’s This Month in Our Native Gardens, whether I attend the live presentation or view the recording afterward. It feels like a cozy conversation with close friends about one of my favorite subjects: Native landscaping! Even though I have been into native gardening for almost eight years, I learn something new every time. The guest speakers are always interesting and offer a wealth of information.”    ———-Susan Rhode, chapter member and Seedling Order Coordinator
Chapter members are invited to participate in the Zoom meeting on the first Wednesday of each month to discuss imminent gardening topics.  To sign up to receive the Zoom link and reminders about each upcoming Zoom meeting, go to Besa’s website
On June 5th seasonal topics will include:     
  • Ferns
  • Plant combos
  • Gardening with deer
  • Neighbor approved garden ideas
  • Honeysuckle vines, telling them apart
  • Seeds to collect this month
  • Caterpillar host plants
  • Street fogging

Everyone is welcome to view videos of the monthly presentations.  The videos are archived on the Wild Ones St Louis YouTube channel.  Subscribe to the channel to be notified of the latest video, as well as view past videos

Content from the May This Month in Our Native Gardens

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