By Ed Schmidt
Can you name these wildflowers in their winter garb? I’ll give you a week to respond in the comments section and post the answers next weekend.
Click any image to see a larger version.
- Mystery flower #1
- Mystery flowers #2
- Mystery flowers #3
- Mystery flowers #4
- Mystery flowers #5
- Mystery flowers #6
- Mystery flowers #7
#1: Echinacea head
#2: Brown Eyed Susan seedpods
#3: Elderberry flowers
#4: American Beauty Berry
#5: American Bittersweet
#6: Butterfly weed seedpods
Great rattlesnake master! Sadly, mine collapsed under the weight of the ice/snow.
Thanks for doing this Ed. My guesses:
#1 Sweet coneflower-rudbeckia submentosa
#2 Some kind of helianthus — I can’t grow them with no sun!
#3 Looks like Wild Hydrangea-hydrangea aborescens but mine usually doesn’t flop over
#4 I’m clueless!
#5 Bittersweet
#6 An Asclepias — maybe incarnata?
#7 Is this the Rattlesnake Master? I would have guessed some kind of Buckeye
Looking forward to the answers!
This is fun !
#1 Rattlesnake Master
#3 Wild Hydrangea
#4 This is the stumper.
#5 American Bittersweet
#6 Asclepias, my guess is tuberosa
I wasn’t finished.
#7 Hibiscus
1. Echinacea purpurea
2. Helianthus tuberosus
3. Hydrangea arborescens
4. ?
5. Celastrus scandens
6. Asclepias tuberosa
7. Hibiscus lasiocarpos
#1 purple coneflower
#2 black eyed susan
#3 Mountain mint
#5 American bittersweet
#6 butterfly weed
oops – 6 is swampy, A incarnata – had too many tubers on the brain, and 4 appears to be a young beautyberry, Callicarpa americana
Well done, Betty and Fran. Betty, most of my hydrangea didn’t flop over either- this one must have been at hand when I was getting cold! Amy, you have me wondering if i will be able to find my only rattlesnake master to compare. Note there is a little purple yet on the beauty berry. Here’s what I think we’ve got:
1. purple coneflower (echinacea purpurea)
2. ironweed (vernonia arkansana)
3. wild hydrangea (hydranges arborescens)
4. American beauty berry (callicarpa americana)
5. American bittersweet (celastrus scandens)
6. swamp milkweed (asclepius incarnata)
7. rose mallow (hibiscus lasiocarpos)
Thanks to all of you who replied. I didn’t see some of your responses when I posted my earlier list due to a flaw in the software. The webmaster reports that this problem has now been resolved. Thanks, Brian!