Thoughts for a Gloomy Day
Gardening requires lots of water – most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson The real meaning of plant catalog terminology:
Gardening requires lots of water – most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson The real meaning of plant catalog terminology:
Submitted by Marilyn Chryst, President, St. Louis Chapter We co-sponsored (with Grow Native! and Shaw Nature Reserve) a Landscape Challenge contest. For our part we publicized, helped judge, and planted the winning yard. We held the traditional August joint meeting with the Mid-Missouri Chapter. It was held at a new…
Submitted by Marilyn Chryst, President, St. Louis Chapter The St. Louis chapter held 10 meetings in 2007 between February and November. They were held at members’ yards and public places. Private yard tours often included group consultations and informal educational Q & A sessions on native landscaping. Public places where…
By Tamie Yegge, Powder Valley Conservation Nature Center You may recall that last December, a team of over 50 volunteers converged on the North and South sides of the 1-270/1-44 interchange to plant Missouri native grass and forb seed. The native seed was mixed with an annual rye grass which…
By Tom and Marilyn Chryst The Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Fund awards annual grants to places of learning for projects that reflect the Wild Ones message of creating natural landscapes using native plants and environmentally sound practices, and appreciating humankind’s proper place in the web of nature. The fund…
By Tom Chryst Among the missions of the Wild Ones, along with encouraging natural landscaping, is promoting environmentally sound practices. One of these practices — one that everyone can participate in — is recycling. This article is a first-hand memoir of what I think is a successful recycling program. There…
By Scott Woodbury Of all the wildflower forays I go on each year, I look forward to Spring Bend the most. Perhaps it’s spring in the air, but more likely, it’s the remarkable array of spring ephemerals that carpet the Missouri River banks and hallows that cut down from the…
By Scott Woodbury I am happy to report that the I-270 and I-44 cloverleaf prairie conversion is well underway. The combined efforts made by David Schilling (Washington University), Tamie Yegge (MDC-Powder Valley), John Behrer (Shaw Arboretum), Linda Chambers (Henry Shaw Ozark Corridor Foundation), and Mark Grossenbacher (Missouri Dept. of Transportation)…
By Tom Chryst Scenic Missouri has sponsored an initiative petition for a proposed law, which will be submitted to the voters at the general election on 7 November 2000, as follows: Shall Missouri statutes be amended to prohibit the construction of most new outdoor advertising and to further restrict existing…
By Tom and Marilyn Chryst The eight Aldo Leopold benches that were built by Wild Ones last winter were installed along the Wildflower Trail at Shaw Arboretum on November 6th. Several rugged Wild Ones, assisted by Arboretum staff, participated in the hard work of placing the benches. On January 5th,…