1998: Keystone Member Susan Lammert

A Life in Conservation


Susan wrote, “Conservation has been my main interest since graduating from college.  I have been in leadership positions on the Missouri Coalition for the Environment. the Open Space Council, the Nature Conservancy, Audubon Riverlands, and Tower Grove Park. 

“Attending Prairie Conferences years ago I was introduced to Laurie Otto and was fortunate to visit her home in the suburbs of Milwaukee.  Her prairie garden was in stark contrast to the neighbor’s formal foundation plantings and mown lawns.  She was a pioneer.

“I met Scott Woodbury shortly after he moved to St. Louis and joined Wild Ones when he was head of our local chapter.  I watched The Whitmire Garden develop and took classes from him.

Darrell Morrison and Doug Tallamy have also been major influences. 

“I have not been very active in Wild Ones except for helping with plant sales and being a docent at garden tours.  I love that the St. Louis Chapter has grown so much and is so active. 

Much of my spare time is spent gardening with native plants at my home and in Maine.

As age creeps up the reward is the birds and animals attracted to our yard!”

post by Donna Short, Chapter member and volunteer

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