Don’t miss this year’s Partners for Native Landscaping (PNL) Workshop!

by Marsha Gebhardt  
President, Wild Ones – St. Louis Chapter  

There is still time to register for one or both days of the PNL Workshop: Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30, 2019.  Wild Ones St. Louis is proud to be one of the Partner organizations that plan and produce this popular event. 

Friday night will include a reception (hors d’oeuvres and drinks), book signing and sponsor information tables.  The keynote speaker, Larry Weaner, author of Garden Revolution will present Natural Landscape Design: Meadows, Woods and Water.

On Saturday Mr. Weaner will again address design in his talk: My House. This will be followed by four breakout sessions with four choices during each time period.  The content strands will be Wildlife Gardening, Design and Maintenance, Native Plant Selection, and Rainscaping and More.  Throughout the day participants will be encouraged to apply what they learn to their neighborhood and broader community, in addition to their own yards. Saturday’s event will include opportunities to purchase native plants and to tour the extensive prairie landscape at the Danforth Plant Science Center.

Check this out!   Don Marsh interviewed three of the Partners – Josh Ward (MDC), Scott Woodbury (SNR) and Mitch Leachman (StLAudubon/BCH) on the March 11, St. Louis On the Air program.  They did a great job of publicizing the Workshop and educating people about the importance of bringing native plants into the home landscape.   Go to this link on the KWMU website where you can listen to the conversation.   Thinking Outside The Lawn: Fostering Native Habitats, Caring For Natural World Right In The Backyard,   While there you can also scroll down and find links to registration for one or both Workshop events.

Note to Wild Ones St. Louis members – please wear your name tag and perhaps your Wild Ones shirt if you have one.  By identifying ourselves with Wild Ones St. Louis we encourage questions and conversations with folks who are newer to the native landscaping “scene”.  Our primary mission is to educate and provide support for people who want to work on Healing the Earth One Yard at a Time.

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