New Citizen Science Initiative: Witch Hazel Hunt

sharing on behalf of the ForestKeepers Network 

Vernal, or Ozark, witch hazel is among the earliest blooming native plants of Missouri. Its blooms, small flowers often hidden by persistent old foliage, provide sustenance and shelter to over wintering pollinators. While typically vernal witch hazel starts blooming midwinter, warm temperatures started an early bloom!  By joining this initiative, each observer becomes a vital part of a larger effort to create a record of Vernal Witch Hazel growth across different regions of Missouri.

Participants are asked to locate a specimen and track the progression of its bloom pattern. Multiple observations are encouraged.

Visit the ForestKeepers Network page to learn more and access the data entry form for observations 

The data to collect is fairly simple: 

  • Observation Date
  • Observation Location Zip Code
  • What stage of fresh flowers were blooming on the plant? (a list to pick from)
  • The sunlight that the plant receives (Full sun, partial sun, or shade)
  • Is it in a residential/garden area (yes/no)
  • If not in a residential/garden, describe the location
  • Upload an image of the flowering plant (optional)

Happy Hunting!

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